by Piotr Pietrzak
The progress on Exploring the Implications of Local and Regional Conflicts (2024) is going smoothly. I wanted to inform you that in this particular publication, we'll dive deep into conflict management's methodological aspects. So, it would be fantastic if you could make this specific sub-chapter shine.
What attracted me to start publishing with IGI Global in the first place is the structure of the chapters published with this publishing house, for they always include the methodological part. Adding it as a compulsory thing makes it fascinating, for it gives us a glimpse into the analytical minds of other successful academics who can capture something as elusive as an ongoing conflict.
Authors are encouraged to adopt the following structure when preparing their chapters for submission to IGI Global:
Submitted via the portal:
First Name, Last Name
ORCID Example:
The file submitted in the world formatted document should comprise :
Research Methodology
Literature Review
Followed by...
[The main body of the chapter allows for a flexible arrangement of content according to your needs and the thematic structure of your research.]
References (APA)
Key Terms used in this Chapter 8-16 - please see the example below:
Chapter size: 7000 to 10,000 - 12,000 words.
Lastly, please ensure that your Introduction and Conclusion are compelling to encourage readers to engage with the entire chapter.