Academic Work
If you're in need of a lecturer who can attract more students to your course, give me a ring on +359 878577997. The courses I teach, or will imminently instruct, are carefully curated to deliver unparalleled educational experiences.
GLOBAL PROBLEMS, GLOBAL SOLUTIONS aims to provide students with the fundamental tools necessary to understand the post-Cold War global power architecture from theoretical and analytical perspectives. It is addressed to students interested in current affairs, security studies, and leading approaches to violent conflict after 1991. Our primary research area will be approached from geopolitics, security studies, and humanitarian perspectives. During the classes, we try to approach the new world order in statu nascendi from the perspective of various ongoing conflicts and humanitarian emergencies.
ON JUST WAR THEORY, HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN STUDIES aims to provide students with the fundamental tools to understand the just war theory, human rights, and humanitarian studies. It will introduce students to the historical background of the contemporary just war tradition and familiarize them with leading approaches to ethical/humanitarian analyses of selected regional conflicts of global importance.
ADVANCED STUDIES IN JUST WAR THEORY, HUMANITARIAN STUDIES, AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT navigates through a diverse array of topics within the context of unyielding ethical considerations in war, humanitarian efforts, and conflict resolution. This starts with the evolution of Just War Theory from ancient origins to its contemporary applications, meticulously explores the nuances of Humanitarian Studies, scrutinizes both the successes and failures, along with ethical dilemmas inherent in humanitarian interventions, and decisively demystifies conflict management with an unwavering focus on achieving global harmony. This course delves into the pivotal role played by philosophers in facilitating humanitarian work, underscoring the profound impact of eminent figures such as Immanuel Kant and Antony Giddens. It examines diverse theoretical approaches, including constructivism and feminism, within the realm of conflict management and humanitarian studies.